Friday, February 11, 2005

Kelly Goto interview

In Digital Web Magazine’s conversation with Kelly Goto, we cover the newest version of her already successful book and the need to move forward with the New Usability. It’s not a new theory, but rather the old theory blended with today’s environment that requires development around shorter cycles. Read more

The Dollars and Sense of Building to Standards

Most articles on Web standards talk about how designing with standards helps control the user experience. Now, Alan K'necht explains how you can embrace XHTML and CSS to benefit your bottom line. Read more

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Web Monkey for kids

Are your kids looking for help on starting their own web site. Take them here.

Form and function combined

Although web standards give us a better, faster Internet, not many sites use them. The Web Standards Awards aims to promote web site design using W3C standards by seeking out and highlighting the finest standards-compliant sites on the Internet. By showing you standards-compliant sites that make your jaw drop, we hope to show you that web standards aren't a constraint, they are a liberation.