Monday, August 29, 2005
Design in-Flight
Tips for your web site
Photoshop's Match Color adjustment is a powerful tool for matching colors between two images. Photoshop Tips
Reinventing the Brand Identity of AG Hair Products
After expanding its line from 4 to 28 products, AG Hair Products turned to Dossier Creative for brand coordination. Graphic Design Tips
Correct Exposures with Shadow/Highlight in Photoshop
The Shadow/Highlight feature, first introduced in Photoshop CS, can reveal shadow detail and enhance highlights. Photoshop Tips
Add Color to Images with Levels and Variations in Photoshop
This black-and-white image becomes hot through the application of a little Photoshop wizardry. Photoshop Tips
Best of Website Design Winners: Step Inside Design
Thursday, August 11, 2005
DSF - Robust CSS Drop Shadows
Drop shadows are cool, but adding them to elements of a web page can be a pain. You can fiddle with background images, tables, pure CSS solutions, Internet Explorer PNG limitations, or fixed single-use shadows tied to an image and a particular background.
The latest release of TypePad has a new popup (or flyout) interface element which presents the user with a set of options or an expanded view of an object when clicked on. The flyouts are similar to the location bubbles used in Google Maps. They have soft alpha-blended drop shadows that scale with the size of the box. The drop shadows are implemented in valid XHTML and CSS, with no CSS hacks or JavaScript. We call it ydnar Drop-Shadow-Fu.
Article is courtesy of Randy 'ydnar' Redding